Caught the metal roofing bug and ready to make the leap? Before you take the plunge, let’s make sure you’re well-informed about some essential aspects of metal roofing that you won’t want to overlook. Having a roof renovation is a massive undertaking, after all. It is in your best interest to make sound and informed decisions.

Underlayment and Ventilation Needs

Proper underlayment and ventilation are the unsung heroes of a metal roofing system. Imagine them as your roof’s foundation, which plays a critical role in performance and longevity.

Moisture Prevention

Underlayment, often made of materials such as synthetic or asphalt-saturated felt, acts as a moisture barrier. It prevents rainwater or melting snow from seeping into your home. Without this crucial layer, moisture buildup in your attic space can lead to mould growth, wood rot, and even structural damage.

Extended Roof Lifespan

Metal roofs, while durable, can still be vulnerable to corrosion over time. This issue is where proper ventilation comes into play. It helps regulate temperature and moisture levels in the attic space. This regulation, in turn, prevents the metal from deteriorating due to extreme moisture or temperature fluctuations, extending the lifespan of your roof.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Ventilation also contributes to the overall energy efficiency of your home. A well-ventilated attic space helps maintain a more consistent temperature. With metal roofing, your home stays cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, reducing the workload on your HVAC system and ultimately lowering your energy bills.

Noise Considerations

One common misconception about metal roofs is that they’re noisy, especially during rain or hailstorms. However, modern metal roofing systems have evolved to address this concern.


Many metal roofing systems now include insulation layers or can be installed with additional insulation. This insulation layer greatly dampens noise, making the sound of rain or hail on a metal roof no louder than on any other roofing material.

Quality Installation

The key to minimizing noise with a metal roof lies in the quality of installation. When properly installed and with attention to detail, a metal roof can be just as quiet as any other roofing material during rain or hailstorms.

Expansion and Contraction Happen

Metal roofs expand and contract with temperature changes, a natural behaviour of metal materials. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial for a successful installation and long-term performance.

Installation Challenges

Installers must consider the expansion and contraction of metal roofing panels when installing them. If done incorrectly, these movements can lead to issues like buckling or warping over time. Proper installation techniques, which include allowing for these movements, are essential to ensure the roof remains structurally sound.

Long-Term Performance

The ability of a metal roof to expand and contract without damage is one of its strengths. This flexibility allows it to withstand temperature extremes and weather fluctuations, contributing to its long-term durability and performance.

Metal Roofs are Compatible with Solar Panels

Installing solar panels on a metal roof is a seamless and advantageous combination of technologies.

Ease of Installation

Metal roofs provide an excellent platform for solar panel installation. Their durability and structural integrity make it relatively easy for solar panels to be securely mounted. This ease of installation can save you time and money during the solar panel setup process.

Benefits of Combining Technologies

When you integrate solar panels with a metal roof, you’re essentially building an energy-efficient powerhouse. Not only do you harness renewable energy from your solar cells, but you also introduce an additional defense against heat intrusion into your home. This harmonious partnership between these technologies can yield substantial energy savings and contribute to a reduced carbon footprint.

Snow and Ice Management For Metal Roofing

Concerns about snow and ice buildup on metal roofs are valid, especially in colder climates. However, there are effective solutions to address these concerns.

Snow Retention Systems

These systems, typically made of brackets or bars, can be installed on your metal roof to hold snow in place. This system prevents sudden and potentially dangerous snowslides, safeguarding both your property and anyone below. Snow retention systems are essential for safety during winter months.

Ice Dam Prevention

Ice dams can form when snow melts and then refreezes near your roof’s edges. This issue can lead to water seeping under your roof and causing damage. Properly designed and installed metal roofing systems, in conjunction with proper attic insulation and ventilation, can help prevent ice dam formation. By regulating the temperature of your roof’s surface, you can avoid these troublesome issues.

Metal Roofing is Impact Resistant

Strength and Durability

Metal roofs are renowned for their robustness. They can withstand heavy rainfall, hail, high winds, and even fire better than many other roofing materials. This inherent strength means your home is better protected during extreme weather events.

Insurance Savings

Some insurance providers recognize the enhanced durability of metal roofs and may offer discounts on your home insurance premiums. This is because they see reduced risk in terms of weather-related claims. Over time, these potential savings can help offset the initial cost of installing a metal roof.

Sustainability and Recyclability

Long Lifespan

Metal roofs boast a significantly longer lifespan than many other roofing materials. This longevity means fewer resources are used over time, reducing the environmental impact associated with roof replacement.


Once your metal roof eventually reaches the end of its lifespan, the materials it comprises are readily recyclable. Recycling serves to significantly reduce the quantity of roofing waste that finds its way into landfills, promoting a more environmentally responsible approach to construction and renovation practices.

Maintenance Simplicity

Metal roofs typically require very little maintenance. Occasional inspections and basic cleaning are usually all that’s needed to keep them in optimal condition. This simplicity translates to savings on both time and maintenance costs compared to other roofing materials that may demand more attention and repairs.


Before you decide on a new roof, remember these essential factors. Metal roofing offers numerous benefits for your home, from durability to sustainability. Enhance your home’s functionality and aesthetics by considering metal roofing. Your home deserves the best, and metal roofing might just be the answer you’ve been looking for.